David Pirraglia Resume

CPU Algorithm Simulator

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery jQueryUI


I created this when I was a student at St. Joseph's College in an Operating Systems class. We were given the freedom to use any programming language we wanted to do this project, which I thought was pretty cool.

Assignment Details:

Click here to download instructions


  • Support for FCFS, SJF, RR, and Priority algorithms.
  • Capable of instantly updating values without having to hit a 'Calculate' button.
  • All input boxes and combo boxes can be changed by using the mouse wheel.
  • Input boxes have a red border when invalid data is entered.
  • The table is able to be resized by dragging the bottom right corner.
  • Added a customized scrollbar to the table (Only supported in webkit based browsers).
  • Added a blue CPU favicon to the page.
  • Added a random button that added processes between 1-9ms.
  • Added a random button for priorities as well that generates values between 0-10.

Libraries used:

Favicon Credit:

Favicon was downloaded from here: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/2317746/chip_computer_cpu_device_frequency_microchip_processor_icon