David Pirraglia Resume

Assembly Minesweeper



This Minesweeper game was created with the MIPS assembly language and runs on Stony Brook's customized version of the MARS Emulator. I created this when I was a student at Suffolk County Community College in a Computer Architecture class.

I made my own customizations on top of Stony Brook's customizations as well, hence the window having a gray theme. I have not publicly released my custom version of the MARS Emulator yet, but plan on updating this page when I do.

Assignment Details:

Click here to download instructions

How it works:

  • Rules are like minesweeper on Windows.
  • The cursor can be moved with the WASD keys.
    • R is used to reveal an area.
    • F is used to mark a square with a flag.
  • Winning the game occurs when all bombs are flagged.